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並列篇名 | Merging Flipped Teaching with Composite PCR Strategies to Improve Students’ Course Engagement and Learning Effectiveness |
作者 | 邱華惠 |
中文摘要 | 本研究之目的在透過教學省思,釐清教學內容和方法等面向的可能問題,擬定策略以改善學生課程投入不足、課程參與狀況不佳的現象。研究者在教學經驗中發現學生主動觀看課前教學影片的比例不高,以至於影響翻轉教學模式在課堂中的實施成效,加上學生原本同質性分組的合作效果不盡理想,因此在本研究中,研究者採複合式策略,執行課前自學(Preview)、課堂合作(Cooperate)、課後反思(Reflection)三步驟(簡稱PCR策略),將教學影片調整成互動式教材,並以翻轉教學平台「1know」進行自學狀況的檢核與提醒;此外,本研究採用異質性分組,並要求學生撰寫學習省思筆記;教師也於課堂辦理課程搶答活動和提供實質獎勵。本研究以行動研究方式進行,以某私立科大修習社會科學研究法兩班97位學生為對象,研究者使用數位學習平台、學習回饋表和測驗等研究工具,蒐集學生學習感受和成效等資料,結果發現,具檢核機制的互動式教學影片,能提升學生之完成度與成效;課堂小組討論和課程搶答活動能夠提升課室趣味性和學生參與度;反思筆記的撰寫,對改善學習投入與成效也有幫助。但是多數學生仍認為自覓組員的方式比異質性分組的作法,更有利於小組合作與學習。
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to clarify the possible problems of teaching contents, teaching methods, and assessment methods through a teacher’s reflection. The researcher had aimed to develop strategies to improve students’ low level of learning engagement and course participation and to further collect data for evaluating the effectiveness of the strategy. During the teaching experience, the researcher found that the proportion of students taking the initiative to watch pre-school films was not high, which affects the implementation effect of the flipped teaching mode in the classroom. In addition, the cooperation effect of the students’ homogenous grouping is not ideal. Therefore, in this study the researcher adopted a compound strategy, implementing three steps: Preview, Cooperate, and Reflection.
起訖頁 | 043-070 |
關鍵詞 | 合作學習、省思、課前自學、學習投入、翻轉教學、cooperative learning、reflection、preview、learning engagement、flipped teaching |
刊名 | 師資培育與教師專業發展期刊 |
期數 | 202208 (15:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立彰化師範大學 |
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