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The Relations of Parental Psychological Control with Junior High School Students' Aggression and Victimization: A Multiple-Path analysis
作者 張映芬

過去研究多依單一攻擊理論、受害理論分析父母心理控制與孩子攻擊、受害關係,僅可了解單一理論所 重視因素的獨立效果。其次,過去研究多個別探討父母心理控制與孩子攻擊、受害關係,僅可分別了解 父母心理控制與孩子攻擊、受害關係,發現許多共同影響變項,可能造成父母心理控制對孩子攻擊、受 害效果是否相同的誤會與迷思。故本研究整合許多攻擊理論、受害理論,建構「心理控制與攻擊、受害 關係模式」,同時分析父母心理控制與孩子攻擊、受害關係,並深究父母心理控制對孩子攻擊、受害效 果的異同。本研究抽取台中地區國中學生為樣本,共1,153人,以結構方程模式進行分析。結果顯示: (1)心理控制與攻擊、受害關係模式適配;(2)父母心理控制正向預測社交焦慮、敵意歸因、攻擊; (3)社交焦慮正向預測敵意歸因、受害;(4)敵意歸因正向預測社交生氣、攻擊;社交生氣正向預測 攻擊。綜上述,父母心理控制預測受害路徑上,父母心理控制透過孩子社交焦慮預測其受害;父母心理 控制預測攻擊則有三條路徑:其一為父母心理控制直接預測孩子攻擊,其二為父母心理控制透過孩子敵 意歸因、社交生氣預測其攻擊,其三為父母心理控制透過孩子社交焦慮、敵意歸因、社交生氣預測其攻 擊。



Most studies based on single one aggression or victimization theory analyzed the relations of parental psychological control with children’ aggression or victimization, which only could understand the specific effect of the unique factor focused on by single one aggression or victimization theory. Furthermore, most studies explored the relations of parental psychological control with children’s aggression or victimization, respectively. Some found that parental psychological control could predict children’s aggression; others found that parental psychological control could predict children’ victimization; some found that parental psychological control could predict children’s aggression mediated by social anxiety; others found that parental psychological control could predict children’s victimization mediated by social anxiety, which easily made misunderstanding that the effects of parental psychological control on children’s aggression and victimization were the same. Therefore, this study integrated several aggression (social learning theory, strain theory, frustration-anger theory, social information processing theory) and victimization theories to construct a model of parental psychological control, aggression, and victimization in order to simultaneously analyze the relations of parental psychological control with aggression and victimization and to explore the difference between the effects of parental psychological control on children’s aggression and those on children’s victimization.

There were 1,153 junior high school students participated in this study, and structural equation modeling was used. The following results were obtained: (1) the model of parental psychological control, aggression, and victimization fitted the observed data well; (2) parental psychological control positively predicted social anxiety, hostile-biased attribution, and aggression; (3) social anxiety positively predicted hostile-biased attribution and victimization; and (4) hostile-biased attribution positively predicted social anger and aggression; social anger positively predicted aggression. Accordingly, the path analysis of parental psychological control on victimization was that parental psychological predicted children’s victimization through their social anxiety. There were three predictive paths of parental psychological control on aggression. The first one (based on social learning theory) was that parental psychological control directly predicted children’s aggressing; the second one (based on strain theory, frustration-anger theory, and social information processing theory) was that parental psychological control predicted children’s aggression by virtue of their hostile-biased attribution and social anger; and the last one which is also based on strain theory, frustration-anger theory, and social information processing theory was that parental psychological control predicted children’s aggression by virtue of their social anxiety, hostile-biased attribution, and social anger.

Concerning academic contribution, first, this study broke through past research only focusing on single one theory and adopted multiple perspectives to investigate the relations of parental psychological control with children’ aggression and victimization by integrating several aggression (social learning theory, strain theory, frustration-anger theory, social information processing theory) and victimization theories. Thus, this study not only showed that the effects of the distinct factors stressed by different theories, but only found that those factors interacted to influence the relations of parental psychological control with children’ aggression and victimization. Second, this study expanded past research exploring the relations of parental psychological control with children’s aggression or victimization, respectively by simultaneously investigating the relations of parental psychological control with both aggression and victimization to clarify the difference between the effects of parental psychological control on children’s aggression and those on children’s victimization. Thus, this study showed that distinct operation mechanisms of parental psychological control towards children’s aggression and victimization. Parental psychological control could directly predict children’s aggression; parental psychological control could predict children’s victimization by means of their social anxiety. This study also found that distinct predictive paths from parental psychological control to children’s aggression and victimization. The effects of parental psychological control on children’s victimization only mediated by their social anxiety; not only social anxiety but also hostile-biased attribution and social anger are important mediators in the effects of parental psychological control on children’s aggression. According to the above-mentioned results, this study provided practical suggestion for parents, teachers, and counselors.


起訖頁 001-034
關鍵詞 父母心理控制社交焦慮攻擊受害敵意歸因Aggressionhostile-biased Attributionparental psychological controlsocial anxietyvictimization
刊名 中華輔導與諮商學報  
期數 202109 (62期)
出版單位 台灣輔導與諮商學會
DOI 10.3966/172851862021090062001   複製DOI
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