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並列篇名 | The Change of Departmental, Occupational Gender Segregation, and Earnings Difference in Taiwan |
作者 | 陳建志 |
中文摘要 | Jacobs(1995)研究發現,在美國,由於兩性平權教育落實在學校課程中,這使得大學女性就讀理工科系的比率越來越高,進一步降低了科系性別隔離的程度。本研究以72、78、85學年的「中國民國教育統計資料」作分析發現,台灣地區大學以上科系性別隔離程度,在這十幾年來也有越來越小的趨勢,但是促成這個現象的主要原因,在於女性就讀人文科系的比率大幅下降,而女性在人文科系所減少的比率,係轉移至教育、護理等女性科系,近年來她們就讀理工科系的比率並沒有增加之趨勢;在職業和收入方面,由73、81、86年「台灣地區社會變遷調查資料」的分析看到,男女就業者職業性別隔離程度,在近來來呈現越來越大的趨勢。探究其主要原因,係由於女性有往職業聲望較高之女性職業集中的現象。雖然隨著女性受教育年數的提高,女性就業者的平均職業聲望也越來越高,然而她們從事女性職業的比率非但沒有下降,反而有增加之趨勢。從進一步的分析看到,雖然女性就業者在受教育年數與職業聲望方面,已經趕上男性就業者,然而男女之間的收入性別差異並沒有任何縮減之現象,女性就業者的平均個人收入仍然不到男性就業者的70%。 |
英文摘要 | According to Jacobs’(1995)study, because of the impact that feministic education has had on schools in the United States, there are more and more female students in college who choose to major in science or engineering, thus reducing departmental gender segregation in recent years. The present study analyzed the data of “Education Statistics of the R.O.C.” in 1983, 1989, 1996, and found that departmental gender segregation has become less and less noticeable for these years. The main cause of this trend is that the rate of females who major in literature has decreased rapidly. They tend to major in teaching to nursing instead of science or engineering. In fact, the rate of females who major in science or engineering shows no increase for these years. The present study also analyzed the data of “Survey of Social Change in Taiwan” in 1984, 1992, 1997, and found that the occupational gender segregation in labor market of Taiwan has been enlarging from 1984 to 1997. The main cause of this trend is that the females tend to obtain female—dominated occupations where prestige is higher. Further analysis indicated that, although the educational level and occupational prestige of females have been improving, the rate of their engaging in female-dominated occupation does not show a tendency to decrease. The analysis also told us, even though the females have caught up with the males in educational level and occupational prestige, their average earnings remained less than seventy percent of the males’ in 1997. |
起訖頁 | 285-312 |
關鍵詞 | 性別角色社會化、科系性別隔離、職業性別隔離、Gender role socialization、Departmental gender segregation、Occupational gender segregation |
刊名 | 教育與心理研究 |
期數 | 200012 (23:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立政治大學教育學院 |
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