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The dynamic development of teachers’ creative teaching beliefs: A longitudinal study of student teachers’ development within 2 years of graduation
作者 蕭佳純
根據教師生涯發展理論來看,創意教學信念是一個動態的發展過程,但是過去研究卻從未有針對教師養成教育過程中,創意教學信念的動態發展進行縱貫性的深入分析。所以了解一位教師從師資生、實習學生以及初任教師階段有關於創意教學信念的縱貫性發展為本研究主要目的。除此之外,並調查實習學生與實習輔導教師間的互動一致程度(實習階段)、校內專業學習社群的運作(初任教師階段)對於創意教學信念成長速率的影響,以及任教意願(隨時間變動的共變項)在每一個階段中,對於創意教學信念成長速率的影響,亦為本研究重要的目的。在本研究利用縱貫性的資料調查,長期追蹤師資生到實習生再到畢業後兩年階段時,教師創意教學信念的成長軌跡,也探討任教意願隨時間共變的情形以及與實習輔導教師互動一致情形、參與專業學習社群情形對創意教學信念成長趨勢的影響。本研究為期三年,一共進行六次調查,以98 位師資生為對象,利用階層線性模式分析,結果發現,一、師資生創意教學信念一共有三個構面,分別為「提升創造力意向」、「創意認知與態度」以及「創意教材與活動設計」,這三個構面都是呈現線性向下的成長趨勢。第二,與實習輔導老師的互動一致對創意教學信念的下降速率具有負向調節的影響,可以減緩下降速率。第三,專業學習社群的不同構面對創意教學信念的下降趨勢具有影響。第四,任教意願對創意教學信念的成長趨勢有共變的正向影響。
Rationale & Purpose: Teacher career development theory indicates that the development priorities of teachers throughout their careers vary. The dynamic process of teachers’ career development evolves with their increasing seniority, accumulation of teaching experience, and mental maturation. The present study tracked student teachers for approximately 2 years after graduation to gain insight into the development of their creative teaching beliefs and the creative teaching process as a whole. This study analyzed the longitudinal development of student teachers’ beliefs on creative teaching during the student, student teacher intern, and first-year teacher stages of their careers. This study investigated the seldom-explored relationships between student teacher interns and their supervisors. In addition, this study analyzed the influence of consistent interactions between student teacher interns and their supervisors on the advancement of the student teachers’ creative teaching beliefs. Furthermore, because the establishment and promotion of a professional learning community may crucially influence the development of creative teaching beliefs in first-year teachers, this study evaluated the influence of professional learning communities on the growth of new teachers’ creative teaching beliefs. Student teachers’ willingness to teach at different career stages affects the time that they are willing to spend preparing for their certification and examinations; such teachers’ creative teaching beliefs may vary at different stages. This study regarded teaching willingness as a covariate that changes over time. Finally, this study investigated the influence of teaching willingness on the growth rate of creative teaching beliefs at various stages of student teachers’ careers. Methods: This study employed longitudinal survey data to track the growth trajectory of teachers’ creative teaching beliefs from their time as students until 2 years after graduation. In addition, this study explored the covariation in teaching intentions over time, the interactions between student teacher interns and their supervisors, and the influence of congruent participation in professional learning communities on the growth trend of creative teaching beliefs. This study lasted for 3 years and included the implementation of six surveys. Four research tools were employed: a creative teaching beliefs scale, a teaching willingness scale, a teacher professional learning community scale, and a student teacher internsupervisor interaction consistency scale. The results for all scales indicated that they had good reliability and validity. The study participants were teachers with 2 years of postgraduate teaching experience. This study identified 281 students, who were followed for 3 years; the final sample comprised 98 teachers who participated in the study for 2 years after graduation. This study implemented hierarchical linear model analysis. The first explanatory variable was time, whereas willingness to teach was the covariate that changed over time. The second-level explanatory variables included sex, the method used to study education, examination scores , the degree of interaction between the student teachers and the internship instructors, the extent to which the school invested in teachers, whether the school had established a professional learning community, participation in the professional learning community, and current work status. Results/ Findings: The results of this study reveal the following: first, student teachers expressed their creative teaching beliefs through three dimensions, namely enhancing creativity intention, creative cognition and attitudes, and creative teaching material and activity design. These three dimensions exhibited downward linear trends. Second, consistent interaction with a supervisor exerted a negative moderating effect on the rate of decline of creative teaching beliefs. Third, different configurations of professional learning communities influenced the downward trend of creative teaching beliefs. Fourth, a positive covariance was present between the willingness to teach and the growth of creative teaching beliefs. Conclusions/Implications: In terms of theoretical contributions, the study results indicate a downward trend in the creative teaching beliefs of student teachers; these results are consistent regardless of the dimension through which teachers expressed their creative teaching beliefs. Although the results of the present study were unexpected, they merit attention. Student teachers generally develop creative teaching beliefs after 4 years of university education; some scholars believe that student teachers should have a high degree of creative teaching beliefs. However, the survey results of the present study indicate that student teachers may face graduation pressure in their senior year. Moreover, they may begin to experience feelings of ambivalence toward their future teaching careers, leading to a decline in creative teaching beliefs. With respect to their internships, students are likely to encounter a gap between theory and practice or a conceptual gap between their own ideas and those of their supervisors, which may also lead to a decline in creative teaching beliefs. After completing an internship, the combined pressure of preparing for examinations, applying for jobs, teaching in a new school, and adapting to a new environment may contribute to a decline in creative teaching beliefs. Furthermore, in terms of first-level covariates, the results demonstrate that teaching intention was positively associated with creative teaching beliefs. However, the results also indicate that creative teaching beliefs exhibited a downward trend; therefore, the willingness to teach may also exhibit a downward trend. The results of this study reveal that student teachers may not only gradually lose their belief in creative teaching over time but may also experience a decreased willingness to teach. This trend merits further attention from educational scholars. Finally, this study identified factors that may counteract these downward trends. The factors that helped reduce the decline in willingness to teach included consistent interaction with supervisors during internships, participation in professional learning communities, cooperative learning, shared leadership, and shared teaching in professional learning communities. These factors being present in a greater magnitude was associated with a slower rate of decline in creative teaching beliefs. This finding demonstrates that professional learning communities are crucial for teachers and justifies their promotion by the Ministry of Education. Schools should focus on encouraging teachers to participate in professional learning communities. The present study presents the following recommendations: 1) the creative teaching beliefs of teachers and students should be strengthened through teacher training courses, and appropriate supervisors should be carefully selected to reduce the decline in creative teaching beliefs; 2) the creative teaching beliefs of new teachers should be strengthened through teacher screening and an assessment of their willingness to teach; and 3) professional learning communities should be promoted.
起訖頁 61-95
關鍵詞 師資生創意教學信念實習老師縱貫性調查creative teaching beliefintern teacherslongitudinal surveystudent teachers
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 202303 (48:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系

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