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A case study of gifted students' perspectives on the future
作者 張衿綾陳偉仁陳美芳
Rationale & Purpose: The prospects of the future can affect the present. The perspective on the future is an image or vision which guides individuals' development in the future, and has impacts on task engagement, goal judgment, learning interests and motivation, and career development. In relation to the original intention, self-awareness, and future perceptions, perspectives on the future enable individuals to extend subject action space. However, there was little in-depth research focusing on gifted students' perspectives on the future. The first author, as a teacher for the gifted, helped gifted elementary school students think critically about future environmental problems and share their views about these problems. By thinking about the environmental issue in the future, the students, at the same time, investigated their own perspectives on the future. Extending on that investigation, this case study focused on gifted students' perspectives on the future, which involve attitudes, connectedness, values, and actions. In addition, perspectives on the future gradually change over time and with changes in the environment, which this study also investigated. Perspectives on the future must address paradoxical phenomena, which can create opportunities for creative thinking and imagination and thus create new possibilities. To explore gifted students' perspectives on conflict, contradiction, and imperfection in relation to the future, this study explored paradoxes gifted students encounter, and how they balance the conflicts and possibilities they create through retrospective and prospective approaches. The students' views when they were elementary school students in 2009 and how they changed in the proceeding 10 years were explored. The participants' balance patterns of addressing future paradoxes were also analyzed. Methods: Three participants, Ye, Qing, and Quan, used to be the first author's students in a resource room for the gifted in an elementary school ten years ago. At that time, they participated in a 20-week futurology course and completed a storyboard project about the future. Qualitative case study with diverse methods, including in-depth interviews and document analysis, were employed. The questions in the interview in 2009 were on the students' opinions regarding the relevance and value of thinking about the future and attitudes toward the future. Each student's storyboard depicted their visions of the future; the project was designed to enable the students to imagine their futures through multiple methods. The data from 2019 were obtained through semistructured interviews, the storyboards, and field notes. The interviews in 2019 were conducted to analyze the participants' beliefs regarding the preceding 10 years. Cross-case data were analyzed and interpreted. The first theme related to the students' perspectives on the future, and how they changed over time. The students' balance patterns of addressing paradoxes in terms of their perspectives on the future were presented as well. Findings: Regarding to the gifted students' perspectives on the future and the development of their perspectives, Ye's vision of the future involved accepting reality and striving to change his life drastically. Ye prioritized pragmatism and his interests through a process of compromise and adjustment. Ye had a positive attitude towards the future, and believed that his dreams could come true by hard-working and studying secret skills. As Ye thought about the relationship between the present and the future, he was influenced by parental views, college entrance examinations, secular conditions, and career imagination. Ye constantly compromised and adjusted actions, rationalized his sacrifices in exchange for winning. Pursuing the maximization of realistic interests was Ye's core value of his perspective on the future. Qing focused on hope; even during periods when she followed trends, she never abandoned her ambition. Qing thought of the future positively. In Qing's mind, with the characteristics and behaviors of loving art, compassion for animals, and sensitivity to the environment, she could seize the future. Under the influence of family expectations, unsatisfactory school life, the sudden death of her father, and the tame but challenging mother-daughter relationship, Qing not only suppressed her helplessness, but also seized the future with hope. Qing continued to cross the boundaries, and made connections between imagination and the real life. Keeping personal interests and making dreams come true were Qing's core value. Quan attempted to account for potential changes in the future. For him, the future is open to possibilities, uncertain, and flexible, and he consistently acted accordingly. Quan had a dynamic and confident attitude towards the future. When Quan was a child, he believed that the expertise of police was very sacred. In order to attain his father's achievement, being a good police, his expectations were physically strong, understand the law, and have excellent academic achievement. Under the influenced of the heroic image of his father and various interpersonal interactions, Quan managed the conflict between dream and reality, and gave appropriate tolerance and flexibility to transform the situation that he encountered. In the process of enriching life, awareness of self-enthusiasm and creation of diverse possibilities was the core value of Quan's perspective on the future. Each student grew considerably, and their balance patterns of facing the future were crucial to enhancing their lives. The students exhibited three balance patterns of addressing paradoxes, namely trade-offs, stalemates, and internalization. Ye often made traded-offs and seek balance through a utilitarian approach, creating opportunities to mature into a strong individual. By contrast, Qing often encountered stalemates and attempted to challenge herself in the virtual world in pursuit of an ideal future. She often encountered dilemmas but continued to strive for her ideal future. Quan attempted to achieve balance through internalization. He noted that interpersonal interaction should always be sincere. In addition, Quan modified his balance patterns of addressing paradoxes and internalized them, thereby growing substantially. Conclusions & Implications: The students differed considerably in their perspectives on the future, which were determined by their personalities, interests, significant others, families, and thoughts regarding secular life. All three students' perspectives on the future changed with their environments and over time. The students integrated their own unique personal meaning into subject consciousness through inner awareness and perception. Their original intention by multiple imaginations in the development shaped the diverse ways to construct their perspectives on the future. Their perspectives developed through a dynamic process involving balance and progress. Through the interaction between their needs and the environments, and the constant connection to personally unique meaning, the students' balance patterns of addressing future paradoxes, namely trade-offs, stalemates, and internalization, were gradually shaped. In addition, their respective balance patterns of addressing paradoxes enabled them to develop their desired futures and construct holistic selves. The students' parents also affected their career prospects, and teacher–student dialogue provided opportunities for the students to reflect and broaden their horizons. Future studies could continue to explore gifted students' perspectives on the future and create models and theories to develop future-oriented curricula for such students. Teachers should help students think about the future from an early age to ensure they develop an ability to connect their perception of the future with their inner selves, and have more awareness and understandings of the future.
起訖頁 67-96
關鍵詞 未來觀未來學生涯發展資優學生career developmentfuturologygifted studentsperspectives on the future
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 202211 (47:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系

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