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並列篇名 | A Study of Interpersonal Behaviors and the Supervisee’s Perceptions in Counseling Supervision Process |
作者 | 翁令珍、廖鳳池 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探究諮商督導歷程中的人際行為與受督導者知覺,採重要事件之研究取向,以社會行為結構分析(SASB)為架構之「人際行為分類系統」為工具,分析督導雙方之人際行為互動歷程,並在每次督導後訪談受督導者的知覺。研究對象為正修習督導實習及諮商實習課程的一對督導者與受督導者,一學期的督導過程加以錄音,受督導者並於每次督導後填寫「督導重要事件表格」與接受人際歷程回憶訪談。結果發現在十九個重要事件當中:(1)督導者最常表現之人際行為類別為「肯定了解」或「保護引導」,而受督導者最常表現「表達揭露」或「信任依賴」,且雙方互動組型皆以「互補」為主。(2)歸納受督導者所知覺之有意義因素、以及事件之立即影響,分別得到七類。(3)隨著督導進展,事件主題與人際行為及受督導者知覺呈現不同特徵,且受督導者對於督導者具控制意味或敵對立場的行為以及「表達揭露」,較有知覺,並主要受「保護引導」影響。最後根據研究結果,提出對於督導實務與未來研究之建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of the study was mainly to investigate the supervisee’s perceptions in counseling supervision process and his or her interpersonal behaviors that shown during counseling, also to find out the relationship between interpersonal behaviors and the supervisee’s perceptions. Sessions of a volunteer supervision dyad were recorded, and material of the supervisee’s perceptions was collected by using Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR). In total of 19 events were taking into account and analyzed. The interpersonal process of all events were intensively analyzed with the cluster version of Structural Analysis of Social Behaviors(SASB). This study findings showed : Firstly, it was often to see that supervisor displayed “affirmed” or “protected” behaviors while the supervisee exhibited ”disclosed” or “trusted” behaviors, which “complementary” seem to be appropriate to illustrated the form of interactions. Secondly, there were seven different categories of supervisee-perceived significant factors as well as seven different categories of immediate impacts were gained from the study. Lastly, the characters of event themes, interpersonal behaviors and the supervisee’s perceptions changed with supervision stages, it also found that the supervisee could clearly perceive the supervisor’s controlling, hostile, and disclosure behaviors. In addition, suggestion for practice and implication for future research were discussed and provided based in the study findings. |
起訖頁 | 99-122 |
關鍵詞 | 人際行為、社會行為結構分析、受督導者知覺、重要事件、諮商督導歷程、Counseling supervision process、Interpersonal behaviors、Significant events、Supervisee’s perceptions、Structural analysis of social behavior |
刊名 | 教育心理學報 |
期數 | 200512 (37:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系 |
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