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並列篇名 | How the 3D Virtual Environment to Foster Interaction and Engagement Behaviors of Interdisciplinary Game Development Team |
作者 | 楊晰勛、廖冠榮 |
中文摘要 | 跨領域團隊已成為一種常見的組織類型,此模式鼓勵分工和溝通互動以達成團隊的總目標,但跨領域的成員往往會有溝通不良的問題,故將想法具體化有助於組員之間的互動與溝通。本研究利用虛擬環境協助大學生遊戲團隊進行遊戲設計,將討論的內容運用3D虛擬環境的工具呈現,讓組員對於討論內容有更具象化的認知。為了驗證其有效性,實驗對象為大學生20人,利用問卷、影片分析及焦點訪談的方式蒐集資料,以設計3D解謎遊戲為任務目標,主要為探討在虛擬環境下是否對於團隊互動和參與行為造成影響,以及能否促進遊戲設計順利進行。研究結果指出,約有九成的學生對於運用虛擬環境有很高的接受度及滿意度,也認為虛擬環境比起使用紙筆討論可更清楚了解討論的內容。從影片分析結果顯示,團隊在虛擬環境時正向情緒行為有明顯地提升,一起關注著虛擬實境畫面並熱烈地互動。此外,受試者所創建的虛擬環境場景與受試者在任務單上所繪製的平面圖,一經比較後發現,虛擬場景中呈現出明顯的立體感和空間感,可清楚地模擬遊戲動線,且即看即修正。因此,3D虛擬環境的技術可以讓抽象的討論過程變得更加具體化、有效率,消弭溝通障礙的問題,為傳統紙筆討論的方式增添一種新的觀點。 |
英文摘要 | Interdisciplinary work teams have become a common type of organization. They encourage favorable division of labour and communication to fulfill team objectives. However, due to the different group members in various fields, there will be some problems with communication. To solve this problem, this research purpose by using technology to unify the idea and concept between group members. In this study, researchers tried to use VR (virtual reality) to guide team members in conceptualizing the 3D project, allowing team members to discuss with a physical 3D space, further enhance their cognition. This paper uses a questionnaire survey, videos, and interviews as a method of study. The participants were 20 undergrad students. The mission of the experiment is to plan a 3D puzzle game. The research purpose is to explore whether the use of VR tools affects the effectiveness of team communication, whether it can assist in game planning discussions, and to investigate the acceptance of students using VR tools. The research results indicate that about 90% of the students have a high degree of acceptance and satisfaction with the use of VR tools. They agree that using VR tools can understand the content of the discussion more clearly than traditional paper and pencil. The video analysis results also show that the team’s positive socio-emotional area has improved significantly when using VR tools, and the team also focuses on the VR screen and discusses it. After comparing the virtual space screen with the scene layout, we can see that the VR screen has stereoscopic effects. Use the VR tool can simulate the gameplay and discuss and modify the game scene in real-time. The study hopes that the development of the VR system has provided people a novel method and application to enhance the communication process, increase the productivity and effectiveness of the traditional way. |
起訖頁 | 077-108 |
關鍵詞 | 3D虛擬環境、大學生團隊、溝通成效、跨領域團隊、遊戲設計、3D virtual environment、college students’ team、communication effectiveness、interdisciplinary team、game design |
刊名 | 數位學習科技期刊 |
期數 | 202101 (13:1期) |
出版單位 | 數位學習科技期刊編審委員 |
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