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並列篇名 | A Study of the Processes of Teachers’ Professional Development: The Case of an Elementary School Changing from a Charter School to an Experimental Education School |
作者 | 林官蓓、陳建志 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在瞭解個案學校自理念學校轉型實驗教育學校的特色與變化,探究影響各階段課程的關鍵因素,並評析轉型過程中其教師專業發展的需求及歷程。個案學校自2014學年度下學期以「生物多樣性」議題審核通過,成為屏東縣理念學校,並在2016年獲教育部教學卓越金質獎。然而,該校團隊成長腳步並不因此停止,轉型實驗教育學校後有更多課程與教學的自主,並為學校與學生量身訂做課程,2016學年度申請公辦公營實驗教育學校,2017學年度進入籌備辦理時期。隔年藉由教育處的媒合,在2018學年度轉型公辦民營實驗教育學校。在其轉型過程中,教師專業發展歷程以及各階段的關鍵因素值得深究。藉由訪談學校校長、基金會執行長、主任、教師、社區志工與學生等成員、評析相關文本、觀察實際現場等方式蒐集資料,分析從理念學校轉型實驗教育學校之教師專業發展歷程。發現個案學校從理念學校轉型實驗教育學校,其課程兼顧部定與校訂原則,並結合理念或實驗理念。在各階段的歷程中,均有關鍵因素成為轉型的驅動力,且呼應從理念學校到實驗教育學校之校務發展,其教師專業發展亦有其不同著力之向度。最後,則對個案學校未來發展提出建議。 |
英文摘要 | This study tried to understand the characteristics and changes of an elementary school which was transformed from a charter school into an experimental education school. It also explored the key elements that influenced the curriculum development of each stage. Most important of all, it tried to analyze the needs and processes of teachers’ professional development throughout the transformational process. The case school was selected as Pingtung’s charter school due to its “biological diversity curricula” in 2014. The school also won the golden award of teaching excellence in 2016. However, the school team did not stop its growth after receiving the award. Since an experimental school could focus more on customizing curricula for the students and accepting more teaching autonomy, the case school applied for “public management of public management experimental school” in 2016. And then it became a “private management of public management experimental school” in 2018. The teachers’ professional development processes and the key elements of each school stage were worthy of studying. The researchers collected data from interviews with the school principal, the CEO of the foundation, school directors, teachers, volunteers, and students, as well as document analysis and school observations. Afterwards the researchers analyzed teachers’ professional processes of the case school. It was found the curricula of the case school accorded with the principles of the Ministry of Education and the school, and also combined with the ideas of the charter or experimental school. There were key elements which drove the school for its changes during each stage. Teachers’ professional development of the school also focused on different dimensions throughout the transformation. Finally, the researchers proposed suggestions for future references. |
起訖頁 | 091-121 |
關鍵詞 | 公辦公營學校、公辦民營學校、教師專業發展、理念學校、實驗教育、public management of public management experimental school、private management of public management experimental school、teachers’professional development、charter school、experimental education |
刊名 | 教育政策論壇 |
期數 | 202002 (23:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所 |
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