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並列篇名 | Youth Song of True Love—Sexuality Education Teaching Module |
作者 | 龍芝寧 |
中文摘要 | 本教學模組為研究學校國中八年級健康教育性教育主題校本課程,藉由社會現況與新聞事件,引發學生覺察青少年發生「婚前性行為」的問題,進而透過影片情境教學引導學生表達對「愛、婚姻與性」的看法,反思與澄清其中的錯誤性觀念,關注可能衍生的性危害,從而能做出明智性與愛抉擇,並能具備性健康安全防護概念與行動,並實踐性健康自主管理。教學模組包含兩個單元4節課,融入批判性思考、做決定、協商技能與自我監督管理等生活技能教學。教學活動設計強調與學生生活經驗連結,以青少年可能遇到的相關生活情境引導,採用小組討論、角色扮演、團體活動等教學方法。評量方式採用多元的評量方式,除量性問卷外,也透過教師對學生的課堂參與及日常行為觀察,瞭解學生的學習表現;此外,透過評核學生在課堂上或回家填寫的學習單,也可以檢視是否達成教學目標,並做為未來教學改進的參考。本性教育教學模組實施後,以前後測問卷調查學生生活技能自我效能,發現自我效能由69.75%提升為75.60%,進一步以配對t 檢定發現課程介入後,「批判性思考」、「健康自主管理」、「協商技能」的生活技能自我效達到顯著的進步。學生對本性教育主題課程之喜歡程度及幫助程度達85%以上,其中以對於「健康表達愛與親密」與「拒絕不願意的性邀約」幫助程度最高。 |
英文摘要 | This teaching module of sexuality education is the theme school-based curriculum of health education for the 8th graders in New Taipei Municipal Ji-Sui Junior High School. By discussing current social situation and news events, students were guided to become aware of the problems of adolescent “premarital sex” and were taught to express their opinions of “love, sex and marriage” through situational teaching of watching films, to reflect and clarify the incorrect sex concepts, to become concerned about the possible negative consequences in the hope that they were able to make wise choice of love and sex, to have the concept and behavior of safety protection in sexual health, and to fulfill the autonomy of sexual health management. There were the 1st unit of 2 hours and the 2nd unit of 2 hours in the teaching module, teaching life skills including critical thinking, decision making, negotiation skills, and self-monitor and management. The teaching activities were designed to link with student life experience often happening in their life situation, using the methods of small group discussion, role play, group activity. Multiple assessment method was employed: quantitative questionnaire and the teacher’s observation on students’ class participation and daily behavior for their learning performance. Besides, evaluating students’ learning sheets in and after class may also examine the teaching effects, which can be the suggestions for future teaching. A pre-test and a post-test were used during the teaching of this module examining the student’s self-efficacy of life skills. The finding is that self-efficacy raised from 69.75% to 75.60%, and with a paired t-test, the self-efficacy of life skills, “critical thinking,” “autonomy of health management,” and “negotiation skills” reached significant progress. The levels of the students’ fondness of and benefit from this sexuality education program reached 85% above. Among the level of benefit, “healthily express love and intimacy” and “refuse unwilling sex invitation” were most beneficial to them. |
起訖頁 | 107-149 |
關鍵詞 | 生活技能、性教育、life skills、sexuality education |
刊名 | 台灣性學學刊 |
期數 | 201705 (23:1期) |
出版單位 | 臺灣性教育學會 |
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